The Eternal Nature of Spawn

The mid to late 1980s saw the release of a couple of graphic novels that would forever change the comic industry. Both “Watchmen” & “The Dark Knight Returns” had dark storylines that integrated mature themes not usually associated with comics, as well as explored complex philosophies/ideologies. After receiving widespread acclaim from within and outside the comic book community, comic book editors and creators took the wrong lessons from those books. Working under the assumption that comics need to be more dark and include intense violence, we got a lot of stories and characters that would define the industry for the early to mid 1990s.

If you read comics during this time period or you sought out books from this era, you are probably familiar with the most common traits across various titles. You have characters carrying these huge overdrawn guns. Ones that make you ask how the Hell can that guy hold that with just one hand. Characters that are constantly growling or expressing anger and never showing any other emotion to help you truly connect with them. The rise of the anti-hero, characters willing to kill or do ethically questionable things to achieve their mission. While the concept of the anti-hero isn’t inherently bad, it was over-exploited during this time and not always well executed. And while the industry always had an issue drawing female characters sexy and not fleshing them out, it was probably at an all time high during this time. Basically, these years weren’t the highlight of comic book history. While some good did come out of it, there is a lot of underwhelming. A lot of titles and characters created during this time have mostly fallen into obscurity.

But why has Spawn prevailed? After 30 years and now attempting to create it’s own universe like DC did in the 1940s and Marvel in the 1960s, he is still around with a strong fan base. To answer that question, you have to look at his origin story. For most people who don’t read comics this is the probably the only part of Spawn they would be familiar with. But it also touches on the best stuff of the character. Al Simmons was a solider and special agent serving his country. But he was betrayed by the people he worked for and killed by his own during a mission. He gets sent to Hell where he is offered the chance to see his wife again. But it came at the cost of serving as one of that realm’s soldiers, a Hellspawn. And when he does return to Earth, five years have passed and his wife has remarried his best friend and they have a kid. He also has to regain his memories as he fights against foes – human and supernatural – who try to manipulate him for their own ends.

The story of Spawn is one that touches on a few universal themes. Mainly the idea of second chances and redemption. Al isn’t a perfect person, as many different issues over the years will showcase. But he is someone who tries to do what he thinks is right. Which is what all of us aspire to. And even though his life has been destroyed and he has lost everything, he finds a way to move forward and make the best of his situation. Making better choices and break free from the influence others have had on him, before his death and now as a Hellspawn. This universe also establishes that Heaven isn’t all what it appears to be either. The relationship between Heaven and Hell reveals that it doesn’t truly matter if your an ethically good or bad person. Where you go to once you die is random…for most people. But it is revealed that Al and his ancestors have been manipulated so that he follows a destiny of becoming the Hellspawn to start Armageddon. And while that war does come, Al takes on both Heaven & Hell and wins Armageddon in defense of mankind, who are used only as soldiers by both forces. Years after Al beats them, he ends up closing the doors to both realms. No more angels or demons can come or leave Earth. Their influence on a cosmic/supernatural level has been taken away. And now Spawn is there to take on who remains and make sure that humans have the freedom to make their own choices and be free of manipulated destiny.

Spawn is the story of realizing you don’t have to be perfect to be good. You could make questionable choices but as long as you do what you feel is the right thing to do, you will be all right. As long as you get to decide what you make for yourself and not let someone else decide for you. These ideas, accompanied with some truly great artwork and imagery and the writers realizing what works for Spawn while getting rid of the weaker elements, connects with everyone and has made sure Spawn has endured for so long. And hopefully he keeps being a strong presence for many years to come.

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