Tag Archives: Gunslinger Spawn

What the Future of Spawn Should Include

Spawn is a pretty good representation of what the 1990s were in terms of look and atmosphere. The title has represented both the best and worst of what the era had to offer comics. But it was smart enough to recognize the bad stuff in the early days and phase them out. Regardless, the 90s style of the character and series is a big part of what made the character to so popular. What I’m referring to is action, dark atmosphere, violence, brooding, that sort of thing. But this book knew how to properly utilize and present it for the most part. These are all elements that connect to the heart of Spawn and what his stories are about.

But now that so much time has passed – achieving major milestones and now expanding with new books – it’s time to make some changes. I’m not talking anything major. The last thing I want is for this series and universe to become like DC and Marvel in terms of tone and approach simply because it’s trying to copy their success. Todd McFarlane knows how to handle his creation and make it distinct from everything else. And let’s face it, Marvel & DC have made more than fair share of mistakes in terms of creating content and guiding their characters. The one major change I’m suggesting is more about adding to the universe than taking anything away. Spend more time letting the characters…just live.

That admittedly sounds confusing, so allow me to explain. One of the new Spawn titles is focused on Gunslinger Spawn and his solo adventures. Brought into the present due to events in issues 300 & 301, this Hellspawn’s journey is about finding his way back to his own time while dealing with characters and events in the present. There is of course action and mystery laying out future potential storylines and enemies. But there have been several moments in this series that have taken me by surprise. There is a bit where Gunslinger is genuinely confused and curious about the existence of an indoor toilet. And he is perplexed about the existence of plumbing. This was a funny joke, but made funnier and more surprising by how logical it is. He does come from a time where something like this doesn’t exist. It makes sense why he would ask questions about something like this. Also, despite knowing how to study a map he admits he can’t read. Makes sense and is pretty humorous.

In a separate issue, it opens up with him learning from a woman how to properly hitchhike. She shows him how to properly hold out his arm and how to use his thumb. And when he gets picked up, he isn’t mean to the driver or just giving him the bare minimum of courtesy. It seems like the two of them had a decent time in each other’s company during the short trip to Gunslinger’s destination. He even shows some level of affection for a couple of the wolves guarding his stuff. Long story short, these are moments that help create a personality for the character that doesn’t advance the story. It creates small humorous, and sort of wholesome, moments that make it more fun and engaging to read.

The major thing I think the Spawn universe should do moving forward is to have more moments like these. Show what the characters are like, have them interact in ways that aren’t focused on missions and show them create friendships. Up until this point, we haven’t seen a lot of that. There was Nyx before she was killed in issue 300 – and yes, I’m still angry about that and want her resurrected. Right now in the King Spawn title. Al and Terry are working together, but Terry for sure doesn’t like being in that situation and their relationship is fractured at best due to their history. The new characters that are being introduced and focused on should be the main focus moving forward. Obviously we can’t get rid of Al, that would be going too far. But have more stories with Gunslinger Spawn and Jessica Priest and the rest where they have moments of them just being themselves. Bonding in ways that Al seemingly lost the luxury to have with his newfound mission to wage war on the supernatural forces trapped on Earth.

The best existing example I can use for comparison is the JSA from DC Comics. There were issues were the team members weren’t on missions and just spent time with each other dealing with the day to day stuff. Some of that if properly translated to the Spawn universe and breathe some new life and creativity that can help it evolve. I’m suggesting this because I don’t want Spawn to end. Hopefully we do get some of that down the road once the new titles have been around for a little longer. Here’s to 30 more – if not more – years of the Spawn universe!